Custom Apps for your company in minutes
Build the perfect tool for your business, with no-code. Complete solutions from tables to automations in one place.

100,000+ people have used Jestor Apps.
You don’t need to be a developer to build an app.
Customize your App with Logo, Colors, and Images
You can combine different colors and customize for each different team and use..

25+ App Creation Blocks
Combine different blocks like Gantt, List, Maps, Charts, Indicators, Buttons, and more.
Do everything without programmers
Do it yourself. Drag and configure blocks. All without a single line of code.

220+ Native Automations
Create automatic flows with Jestor’s internal automations and Integrations. All No-Code.
Mobile and Desktop Version
Automatically generated mobile version of all apps. You can configure different modes of viewing on computer and mobile.

Different Menus for Navigations
Choose what would be the best way for your users to navigate between your apps.
Track deadlines, tasks, and projects in a customizable Gantt view.

Charts and Indicators
Create your own BI and Analytics dashboard, without programming. All automatically integrated with system data.
Super Form
The Form for All Your Processes. Conditional fields, pagination, automatically saved responses, and shareable links.

Smart Kanban
Automate all your processes. Conditional fields, automation buttons, custom filters, choose colors and views, connected cards, and more.
Maps automatically integrated with Google Maps.

Advanced Access Control
Create a secure and error-proof process for your company.