How to create Dynamic Task Calendar in jestor

Having a dynamic calendar is very important for companies to have their tasks organized and done on time. However, creating such a calendar can be complicated in Excel and other platforms. But that isn’t the case with jestor!
Walkthrough: How to Create a Dynamic Task Calendar in jestor
1º) Go to the “+” icon on the left menu, choose the option “table”, name it “Task Calendar” and click on “create”. Then add new fields clicking on the column header with a “+” and following the steps below:
- Change the name of the “name” field to “Title”;
- Add a date field and name it “Deadline”;
- Add a user field and name it “Owner”.
If you want to make one of those fields as mandatory, check “Required field” when creating the specific column.
3º) Fill in the information by clicking on the “+” below the column title.
4º) Now, create a Dashboard. Click on the “+” icon on the left menu, choose the option “Dashboard”, name it “Task Dashboard” and click on “Create”
5º) Click on the “Add component” button, choose “Events and Calendar”, name it “Dynamic Task”, and following the steps below:
- In item 1, choose the table you created in the first steps.
- In item 2, choose a reference date, in this case the deadline. You can also add filters.
Your dynamic calendar is done!
Unlike Excel, jestor provides a much more friendly calendar view, without having to use a linear structure, change parameters between months or use complex formulas.
In Jestor, by clicking on tasks you can see their information and you can customize the calendar to suit your needs.