Powerful Calculations with Formulas and Low-Code
Add simple formulas as easily as a spreadsheet or add indicators on your App. Create powerful calculations with Low-Code.

34,000+ companies automate their work with Jestor.
Let Jestor Calculate it for you. Replace Spreadsheets.
Formulas as simple as spreadsheets
Add formulas such as sum, average, IF, CONCAT, POW, and more.
Number, Currency, Percentage, and text fields can be easily automated by formulas.
Need more? Low-code Python functions to calculate everything
Create your own formulas. Low-code gives you the power of creating your own conditions and calculations.
Lookup field for fast consultation
Lookup helps you to visualize connected data from different tables in a card or table always when you need it.

Create Indicators for your App
Add blocks such as Simple Indicators, Complex Indicators, and Charts. Count, sum, max/min, and more.