The powerful version of Gantt
It’s not only about a view. Leverage all tools to automate your work – dashboards, tasks, automation, databases, and more.
34,000+ companies automate their work with Jestor.
No code required. Don’t limit your projects.
Streamline your projects from start to finish
Get work done automatically. Create tasks, new projects, new steps, notifications, and more with automation and rules to save you time.
Manage all your projects in one place
No more needing to use 2-3 tools to manage the same project. Centralize and plan projects in one tool.
Gantt, Dashboards, Kanban, Tasks, Automation, Chat, Database, and more.
Work with all your stakeholders
Get unlimited members or share it with a public link.
Your clients can have a custom profile to follow all the project evolution with you.
Custom dashboards so you don’t miss a thing
Monitor your performance with a custom view of all your data.
Get more than a Gantt. Add charts, goals, indicators, and more.
Manage projects from anywhere
Receive notifications, complete tasks, get all info you need, create new projects, and more. All on your phone or tablet.