Smart Kanban: Automate All your Processes
Conditional fields by stage, custom buttons, 40+ field options, 220+ native automations, connected tables, and more. It’s not only a kanban, it’s an automation tool.

90,000 users build faster and better tools with Jestor.
No code is required. No more waiting for the next sprint.
Color Conditionals
Highlight cards with conditional colors. Ex: if the card is a priority, it’s red.

Custom branding, colors, fields, buttons, and more
Build custom workflows for each team or for different clients and suppliers.
The most powerful conditional fields
Get work done. Change dynamically when to show, hide, or make a field required. Add powerful rules, including OR and AND operators.

220+ Native Automations
Automate your processes with a few clicks.
Much more than a Kanban. An App.
Kanbans are not always the best fit. Different workflows may be more efficient with apps, lists, tables, and other views.

40+ Custom Fields
Add checklists, to-dos, tags, links, addresses, files, and more.
Formulas and Charts
Add simple formulas and lowcode.

Migrate your Data
We can help you migrate from your current tool.
Workflows are always with you
Your workflow is also present on your smartphone and tablet for your field operations. Access your data and work wherever you are.

Send Emails to Create Cards
Chat via email with clients and suppliers.
Custom buttons to automate your work
Add buttons to send e-mails, move cards, create cards on other kanbans, and more. You can have multiple buttons, conditional to stages.

Connect many kanbans at the same time
Create a card in one kanban and send it to other pipes with one click. All your cards are organized in a relational database logic. You don’t need to create the same card over and over.
Enterprise-grade permissioning
Build secure and error-proof processes guaranteeing that people will only have access to the cards that they should have. Create as many custom roles as you need, including for external users.