Enterprise-Level Permissioning
Define who can access, edit, or create any information on Jestor. Create field-level with conditions roles.

34,000+ companies automate their work with Jestor.
Total control of your internal tool.
Create field-level access rules with conditions
Extreme customization for using your internal tool. Define how every user access your product
Advanced permissioning using JSON configuration for full flexibility. Add rules such as “only cards created by me over $100”.
Only access cards that are attributed to you
Attribute specific records for a group of users as easy as selecting an owner in a card.
Public apps, tables, and forms
Create public access with a sharable link. No Login needed.
Define powers and who can access tables and apps
Select role or user-level conditions for accessing, collaborating, or building.

Restricted access on all platform
Be safe across all devices.