Build tools in minutes using AI
Create complete apps and tables with 1 click. Automate processes, create images, and write code and e-mails using Artificial Intelligence. Customize with no-code tools.

34,000+ companies automate their work with Jestor.
AI is a reality. Go further, spend less.
Create Internal Tools with AI
Jestor Builder will build complete small apps with navigation, tables, forms, kanbans, and more.
Add fields with 1 click
AI suggests fields given your current process structure. Do you want to change something? Edit it before you add a field.
In addition, Open AI no-code automations. Generate images and text with a few clicks.
Write code using AI
Templates for asking for code examples for AI. Save and star code to share with your team.
Create e-mails automatically
Automatically create e-mail suggestions using your own data and parameters.
Generate images from text
Create covers, memes, avatars, and other images from a text.