Drag and drop blocks to build impressive Apps
Create Apps, internal tools, and dashboards for mobile and desktop with a few clicks.

34,000+ companies build faster and better tools with Apps.
You don’t need to wait for developers anymore.

Real Apps 100% no-code on the palm of your hand
Build apps automatically ready for desktop and mobile.
Follow all your metrics anytime using your phone, approve requests on the go, or manage your field operations with tablets.
20+ block options such as maps, charts, and search
Compose internal apps customizing them for your specific needs. Combine blocks in order to create an unlimited amount of tools.
Create super-apps
Create filtered views and conditional kanbans using your tables. Personalize your views to make it easier to get things done.
Share your Apps publically
Create apps to share with everyone using public links. You can share dashboards, forms, and others.
Different roles, different apps
Only a few people should have access to certain information? No problem! Add custom enterprise-level access controls to your app.
Connect to your database automatically and add automations
Everything in Jestor works seamlessly. Your Apps, database fields, automation, low-code are integrated pieces of your solution.
Low-code Apps for full customization
Build any app with full front-end and back-end customization using Jestor’s low-code tools.