How to connect data in jestor

Using Excel is not that easy. So, creating simple features that we are used to doing on a daily basis, such as referencing data, can prove to be quite painful.
Fortunately, jestor is a platform that facilitates what is difficult in Excel in a very intuitive, simple and effective way. An example of this is the way that data relationships are created in jestor. Check it out!
Walkthrough: How to connect data in jestor
1º) Go to the “+” icon on the left menu, choose the option “table”, name it “ Customers” and click on “create”. Then add new fields clicking on the header name with a “+” and following the steps below:
- Keep the name field;
- Add a number field and name it “ID”;
- Add a long text field and name it “Address”.
And fill in the fields with your clients information
2º) Go again to the “+” icon on the left menu, choose the option “table”, name it “ Sales” and press “create”. Then, add new fields clicking on the header name with a “+” and following the steps below:
- Add a connect table field, name it “Customer” and connect to the “ Customers” table;
- Add a single selection table field, name it “Product” and add the list of your products;
- Add a date field and name it “Date”;
- Add a currency field and name it “Amount”
Then, fill in the fields with your sales information.
3º) In the “Customer” field, you can already select the customer directly from your record, instead of having to use formulas (which would happen if you used Excel).
Now you have a customer tag on that tab, and by clicking on it you can see all the customer’s information, without having to leave the tab.
On the “Customers” table, you can also see the history of each customer. To do this, click on the open record symbol besides the customer’s name and then on the “Connected” icon in the upper right corner of the pop-up.
It’s important to note that, in Excel, the filter shows only a mirror of the data, not the data itself. As such, it’s not possible to edit it in the filter. However, in jestor the data presented is the real data and it can be modified if you need to, because it’s directly connected to the other tables.
Connecting data in jestor is much simpler and better than using Excel filters. It’s a process that doesn’t need knowledge of code or formulas. In Excel, the entire process is done by copying rows of information, while jestor works as a database.
Jestor also ends up presenting a much higher performance than Excel, which needs a lot of resources to process all information, making it almost impossible for a computer with less processing power to be able to process all information without crashing or slowing down.