How to create an error-proof recruitment process in jestor

Managing a recruitment process is not simple. Depending on the number of candidates, things can get very disorganized and complicated, often resulting in losing potential great talents.
It’s possible to create a list of all candidates in Excel spreadsheets, but this solution can easily get messy with time. Fortunately, with jestor creating a recruitment process becomes much simpler and safer. That is what we are going to show you!
Walkthrough: Recruitment Process at jestor
1º) Go to the “+” icon on the left menu, choose the option “table”, name it “Recruitment” and click on “create”. Then add new fields clicking on the header name with a “+” and following the steps below:
- Keep the “Name” field;
- Add an Email field and name it “Email”;
- Add a phone number field and name it “Phone”;
- Add a URL field and name it “LinkedIn”;
- Add an attachments field and name it “Resume”;
- Add a single selection field, name it “Origin” and add the items on the list: “Lead”, “Prospect” ;
- Add a single selection field, name it “Status” and add the items on the list: “New Candidate”, “Case”, “Hired” and “Declined”;
- Add a checkbox field and name it “Feedback Sent?”
3º) Now that the table columns are created, we can fill in the information. To make a new entry, just click on the “+” in the upper right corner.
NOTE: In jestor, you can apply a filter to any of the columns created, including the CheckBox, something that’s more complicated to do in Excel.
4º) Now that the table is ready, we can do some things that a spreadsheet won’t do, such as changing the table mode into a Kanban mode, by clicking on the button in the upper right corner, “Kanban”, and selecting a single selection(list) field to transform it into kanban sections. In this case, we’ll use the “Status” field. This brings a much clearer view of what stage each candidate is in, and you can change the stage just by dragging the card.
5º) We can also create a field for “Interview Date” or “Case Date” using the same process to make a history of interviews that have already been done and are already scheduled.
By comparing recruitment processes in Excel and jestor, it becomes very clear that at jestor the way of showing and recording data is much easier to understand and execute. ;)