How to organize meetings on jestor

Any company has meetings, but also needs them to be organized. As the process of organizing them in Excel can be quite complicated, jestor brings a much tidier solution. Check this out!
1º) Open your jestor, click on the “+” icon on the left menu, choose the option “Table”, name it “Meetings” and click on “Create”. Add new fields by clicking on the column header with a “+” and following the steps below:
- Keep the “name” field;
- Add a date field and name it “Date”;
- Add a connect table field, name it “Client”, select the table that you use as a client record, like “Clients list”, and connect to it.
- Add a users field and name it “Owner”;
- Add a checkbox field and name it “Done?”.
2º) Create a Meeting Dashboard. Click on the “+” icon on the left menu, choose the option “Dashboard”, name it “Meetings Dashboard” and click on “Create”.
3º) Click on the “Add component” button, choose “Tables”, name it “Monthly meetings”, choose the “Meetings” table where you uploaded the information and select the columns you want to see.
4º) Now, on to the second component. Click on the “Add Component” button and then on “Events and Calendar”, name it “Meetings”. Choose the “Meetings” table again. Select “Date” in the reference item. Add the desired filters.
Creating these two components, you can see the same information but in different ways, the second being more visual. Jestor doesn’t only bring you a copy of the information. The data is really there, you can modify it in the component and it will also be changed in the main table. This way, you get a quicker way to edit and view it, and you don’t have to create this through complicated formulas.