How to send a contract automatically on Jestor using Zapier and Docusign

Many business agreements require formal contracts. Contracts and agreements need knowledge and commitment from both parties and signing a contract is one of the most traditional ways to establish this commitment. Fortunately, there are digital ways to carry out this process and cut down paperwork.
Using jestor, Zapier e DocuSign, you can send a contract automatically to your customer or supplier for digital signing. All of this in a simple way, without having to code.
Walkthrough: How to send contract automatically in Jestor using Zapier and Docusign
1º) Open jestor. Go to the “+” icon on the left menu, choose the option “table”, name it “Docusign Suppliers” and click on “create”. Then add new fields clicking on the column header with a “+” and following the steps below:
- Change the name of the “name” field to “Company”
- Add an email field and name it “Email”;
- Add a short text field and name it “Address”;
- Add a number field and name it “EIN”.
2º) Go again to the “+” icon on the left menu, choose the option “table”, name it “Contracts” and click on “create”. Then, add new fields by clicking on the column header with a “+” and following the steps below:
- Add a long text field and name it “Description”;
- Add a connect table field, name it “Supplier” and connect to the “Docusign Suppliers” table
- Add a user field and name it “Owner”.
3º) Make a contract in “.DOC” format. You can create it in Google Documents or Word, for example. In this document there should be fields for the supplier who will receive it, put his name, the name of the company, the service being provided, the date and two spaces for signature, both from the supplier and your company.
4º) Go to DocuSign. In “Templates” click on the “Create a Model” button. Upload the contract file created earlier. Click on “Next”. In the “Marker 1” field, write “CONTRACTING PARTY”, click “ADD OPPOSITION MARKER” and in “Marker 2” write “CONTRACTOR”.
5º) Now, click on the first button in the upper left corner of the screen and select the option “CONTRACTED”. In the sixth option on the left “NAME”, click and drag to the location that is directed to the contractor in the doc. Regarding the field of the document that relates to the name of the company, select the option “Company” in the left side menu and drag it to the field.
Also select the option “Text” and drag it to the field referring to the “Service” provided. Then, select “Signature Date” and drag it to the “Date” field.
6º) In the last two signature fields, select the option “Signature” and drag to the bottom line. Also drag “Company” and place it below the line. For the other line, referring to the Contractor, go to the first option on the left menu, select the option “CONTRACTED”, and follow the same process, dragging the “Signature” item to the top line.
Finishing this part, click on “Next” in the lower right corner, and then on “SAVE MODEL”. Name it as you wish.
7º) Go to Zapier and click on the “Dashboard” option on the left menu. In “Connect this App”, look for “jestor” and in the “With this One” part, look for “DocuSign” and select it.
8º) Then, in “When This Happen” select “Create a New Record”, and in the “Then do This” part, select “Create Signature Request”. Click on “Try It”.
9º)Now, in “Choose account”, select “Jestor 1.0.0”, click on “Continue”. In the new field presented, “Set Up Trigger”, select “Contracts” and click “Continue” again.
10º) Go back to jestor. Create a new record in the “Contracts” table, filling in all the fields. Go back to Zapier, click on the “Test Trigger” button. If the information is presented correctly, the trigger will be working, click on “Continue”. On the new page presented, click to continue and then, in “Choose Account”, select the only option available. Click “Continue” again.
11º) On the new page, fill in the fields as follows:
- Template ID;
- Select the option created earlier.
- Email Subject;
- Name it as you wish. As an example: “Document Submission”.
- Recipient Email;
- Select option “1. Email Supplier ”.
- Recipient Name;
- Choose option “1. Supplier Name ”.
- Recipient Role;
- Select “CONTRACTED”.
- Text.
- Service description.
Click on “Continue” and then in “Test & Continue”.
Check if you received an email and if the information is correct. Click on the “REVIEW DOCUMENT” button and check if the fields in DocuSign are being presented correctly.
After completing this process, you’ll have your DocuSign synchronized with jestor. Note that this whole process needs to be done only once, and after that your system will be completely automated!