Launching Python SDK

Open Source Jestor functions for #developers.
- Connect your Jestor with your Python application with a few commands
- Custom Jestor functions
- Easily update your application and functions
Live for all users! What should be our next SDK?
A few examples:
Create Record
To create a record use the table method using the table name as a parameter, then the insert method using a Dictionary as a parameter. Example:Python
jestor = Jestor(token, org)
result = jestor.table('table_name').insert({'name': 'test'})
print(result) #result will be a python array with the values
Edit Record
To edit a record use the table method using the table name as a parameter, then the update method using the id of the record that will be changed and a Dictionary as a parameter. Example:Python
jestor = Jestor(token, org)
recordId = 1
result = jestor.table('table_name').update(recordId, {'name': 'test'})
print(result) #result will be a python array with the values
And more
Here’s the complete documentation: https://docs.jestor.com/docs/jestor-sdk-for-python