Custom Portals for Customers and Partners
Create portals in minutes with custom logos, colors, tools, automations, and processes.

Build Portals in Minutes. No code, no development required.
100,000+ people use Jestor as their builder.

Create Portals for your clients in minutes
No code required. Easily create and customize portals by dragging and dropping blocks, and add automations and dashboards for clients, suppliers, and partners.
Special Pricing: Portal Users
Special pricing is available for portal use cases. Volume discounts are offered.

Custom Branding, Colors, and Interfaces
Personalize with your brand or your client’s brand. Create a custom portal for each customer, tailoring features to meet specific needs.
Clone Portals with 1 click for new clients
Duplicate portals to easily scale your customer base without starting from scratch each time.

How Jestor Customers Use Portals
You don’t need to wait for months to have a portal anymore.

Create custom portals for clients to monitor campaign performance, budgets, results, and approval processes for new content, and more. Each client can feature their branding and securely access only their data.

Interact with franchisees through a portal. Track store openings, quality control, and results per store, consolidating all information in one place for the franchiser.

Manage cleaning partners, laundries, and all suppliers and third parties for short-term stays. Share with investors their financial returns.

Order Management, Invoice Processing, Document Sharing, Performance Monitoring, and more.

Custom portals enable schools and online courses to effectively manage student grades, assignments, billing, and more, all in one integrated platform. Enhance educational administration and improve student engagement with streamlined processes.