Reports: Freedom to Analyze and Export Data
Create custom reports from tables, grouping data, and adding filters. Export your data to spreadsheets anytime.
34,000+ companies automate their work with Jestor.
No code required. Don’t limit your company.
Create custom reports from any table
All your own data on Jestor from workflows, tables, Gantt charts, and records can be analyzed using Reports.
Export data to spreadsheets with a few clicks
Select the table, create a report, and export your data. Your data is yours.
Share it with anyone you’d like using spreadsheets. You can export .CVS or .XLSX format.
Group variables, select filters, and fields
Create custom reports selecting specific fields and filters.
Group data in order to build better comparative analysis.
Limit access to reports and downloads using Roles
Security always comes first. Limit access to data and downloads so your data cannot leak or be stolen by bad actors.
Limit tables and records they can have access according to Roles.
Reports anywhere you go
Analyze data on the go. Don’t wait to get to your computer to access reports and share them with your team.