Tables as easy as a spreadsheet
Multiple custom fields and productivity tools combined with the reliability and scalability of a relational database.

34,000+ companies build faster and better tools with Tables.
No code required. Evolve your spreadsheet into a powerful tool.
Transform spreadsheets into error-proof and scalable databases
Leverage the power of relational databases to connect all your data with a few clicks. Make it easy to scale to millions of data rows automatically.
30+ field options such as formulas, checklists, and files
Add custom fields to build the perfect productivity tool. Organize and input data using the best format for each situation.
As many views as you need
Create filtered views and conditional kanbans using your tables. Personalize your views to make it easier to get things done.
Automation and buttons
Powerful automations are only possible when you have a relational database. Add custom buttons without code to trigger automations.
Permissioning for those who care about security
Only a few people should have access to certain information? No problem! Add custom enterprise-level access controls to your database.
Drafts, data reliability, drafts, and history log
Create drafts to finish later your work and add rules like mandatory fields to make sure all the data will be added.
Don’t know who has deleted a row or changed a status? Go to history log and see all changes.

A better way to access your data on your phone
Editing spreadsheets on a phone is hard. We’ve built a better way to access your data from tables designed for smaller screens.